PPO, HMO, EPO... WhatTheH...??
Filing for Hospital Financial Assistance
What's that "share of cost" thing??
Five Tips when someone you know has cancer
One Service, Two Bills ??
5 Tips to get the Office Staff on your side
"In Network" vs "Out of Network": essential facts to know
Managing your Medication List
Cancer Patients: Financial Assistance Opportunities
Brown-Bagging and White-Bagging: a growing trend
3 Misconceptions that cost you $
When to Pay a medical Bill
Authorizations, Referrals & Approvals
Avoid Medical Mistakes: Be Involved
Your medical insurance offers free resources and services
6 Reasons NOT to file an insurance appeal
Case Study: a Complicated Success
A new Year, an early Gift
Asked to pay your unmet deductible now?
Managing Medical Bills : a few tips